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    • #11796
      Going Postal

      I have spoken with Mr Batten and the interview is confirmed for sometime next week subject to events. It is the local elections next week.

      Submit any questions you’d like me to ask on your behalf below. Closing date Thursday 25th April 8.00 am.

      You can also email me at the usual address. Send Mail

      I may video the interview.

    • #11797

      Mr Batten,

      What, if any, prospects do you see for co-operating with the Brexit Party?


    • #11798

      As a public sector worker I find it increasingly alarming that the majority of my colleagues and managers are pro EU and mostly politically to the left. How do you propose we address this imbalance to reflect society more closely?

      • #11811

        My daughter has a similar problem in Scotchland, where , as a EU leaver and non-SNP, she has to hold her tongue…Sad really.

    • #11799

      I’m sure it hasn’t escaped your attention that the MSM paints UKIP as an Islamaphobic party. Why do you think that the U.K. media seems incredibly reluctant to adopt a much more objective approach when reporting on Islamic inspired terrorist atrocities around the world or indeed nearer to home?

    • #11800

      Mr Batten

      Would you please consider seat sharing with other pro Brexit parties (For Britain and Democrats & Veterans Party) at the next general election? Anne Marie Waters stated in a speech 4 weeks ago that she’d be willing to do this (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vvjbWoPgTIE)

      It is incredibly important that at the next GE, the pro Leave vote, punches its weight; some kind of electoral pact is going to be essential to make it count. FPTP makes it virtually impossible for small parties to break through, but going up against each other is madness.

    • #11801

      Three years ago I would have been satisfied with Britain leaving the European Union. But it’s becoming plain that for as long as the Project exists Britain will always have an enemy on The Continent. Can we expect the politicians of other countries to feel the same? Matteo Salvini might be an ally. Also Marine Le Pen. What others and how committed are they?

    • #11804
      alexsandr too

      UKIP policy as per UKIP web page is all about hospitals. Any thoughts on GP’s – they are a major part of NHS?

    • #11805
      Bomber Harris

      Are you the Gerard Batten that went to West Greenwich secondary school because I think I was in your class 4EB , from small acorns . Good luck to you mate .

    • #11806

      Mr. Batten,
      As Ukip is pretty much completely ignored by the MSM, why not learn from the way Mr. Trump handled the media when he was campaigning? He would say things the MSM found so outrageous they would give top coverage to his comments thinking they were hurting him. The trouble for them was the people actually agreed with what he had to say. The media is never going to be your friend no matter what – so start using that to your advantage. Crank it up a few notches. It worked for Trump.

    • #11807

      Dear Mr Batten,
      More power to your elbow.
      Would you give a plug to the forthcoming novel – The Unseen Path? 🙂

    • #11808

      1) Do you think your relationship with Tommy Robinson (not his real name) has helped UKIP or harmed it?
      2) What do you think happened in Thanet? There was some controversy over the ballot box handling; what are you planning to do in order to avoid that in future, so no allegations of tampering can be made?
      3) If you could choose to have being able to fly or to be invisible at will, which would you choose and why?
      4) What question do you most fear being asked?
      5) Have you ever considered bringing Steve Bannon, Dr Gorka or any of Trump’s team on board?

    • #11809

      Mr Batten….did you fancy Colonel Wilma Dearing from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century?

    • #11810

      The push for ‘open borders’ seems to come from the same group of people that would demand world-wide action against ‘climate change’/’global warming’: is there a common denominator that links these?

      In 2015; Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change seemed to suggest the the bringing down of capitalism was more the goal, rather than a climate problem that required to be fixed.

      U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare

      If you tie the above with the Cloward–Piven strategy that called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of “a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty.


      Is this all about a geo-political game that we, the voters have no control?

    • #11812

      You have received much criticism for your adoption of Tommy Robinson from many quarters. However, perhaps under reported is his financial links to US Zionists through organisations such as the Middle East forum, on whose stages you have been warmly welcomed.

      Given UKIP’s key policies on political independence to have one of your main supporters and spokespeople financially reliant on foreign donations seems concerning. Likewise, your appearance on these stages seems to support these organisations and by extension both US interests and the state of Israel seems to undermine your position of independence for Britain and a fair and balanced approach to foreign politics, foreign interests and international relationships the interests of Britons.

      How can you reassure potential voters of your independence of both foreign money, foreign interests and foreign relations going forward to that British voters know their own interest are protected and prioritised in the Brexit process and beyond?

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Fratercula.
      • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Fratercula.
    • #11815

      Lords reform. What? How? When?

    • #11816
      English Madness

      Hello Mr Batten, what was your thinking behind employing the services of Mark Meechan, Carl Benjamin and of course Tommy Robinson at this delicate moment?

    • #11817

      Mr Batten,

      In holding an olive branch to the Brexit Party, and ignoring all the name calling, can you not see that the uk public would see this not as weakness but as a patriotic strength which transcends political ideology and demonstrates that UKIP is an organisation that puts the future and wellbeing of the country above party loyalty?

      This would put the ball in Farage’s court in a heartbeat.

    • #11818

      Mr Batten,
      1. Would you have a referendum on the reintroduction of the death penalty for certain crimes Eg murder by terrorism ; murder of a child / children ; murder of police officers / prison officers? This list is not exhaustive.
      2. Would you consider government by referendum rather than the current system of representative democracy that, clearly, no longer works?
      3. Would you scrap the current HoL and move an elected assembly with limited tenure for those elected? Would you scrap Prime Ministerial patronage for appointments in the new House?
      4. Would you reintroduce the crime of treason?
      5. To enable the country to recover from unprecedented mass immigration would you have a 3 or 5 year hiatus to all immigration except under exceptional circumstances?
      6. Would you reduce the No of MPs to a more manageable figure? Easily done with government by referendum.

    • #11819

      I would like to ask:

      1. It is not only the BBC licence fee that needs to be cancelled. The organisation itself needs gutting from the top down. Does he have any plans or ideas as to how he would do that?

      2. The civil service is a disgrace as we have seen during Brexit. Does he have any plans or ideas as to how he could improve it and make it work for us and not for the globalist cabal.

      3. Our Border Agency and immigration policy is a disgrace. Many of us want savage reforms, especially non-EU immigration. We need swift deportations and robust diplomacy to deal with countries refusing to take these illegals back. Does UKIP have a policy on this?

    • #11820

      In Section 8 of the policy document there are references to Electric cars and driverless car technology development.

      Can I ask Mr Batten, what will be the likely impact on power station capacity to generate the power needed to charge millions of electric cars and as a follow up, how does driverless car technology promote personal freedom?

    • #11821
      Grimy Miner

      Mr Batten
      You have been a member of UKIP for many years, have written speeches for Farage, have worked with him for many years.
      Will you fight back, with the knowledge that you have of the man, against the slurs of racism etc. that he is perpetuating?

    • #11823

      Mr Batten,

      UKIP under your leadership is labelled “far right”, sometimes “fascist” by its detractors and critics, and so the terminology is also picked up and used by the mainstream media. Such terms are never defined by those using them.

      What are your definitions of “far right”? “fascism”?

      And can you explain why UKIP attracts these labels?

    • #11824
      Northern Man

      UKIP has a policy of adequately funding our Armed Forces. DO you have a view on the extent to which funding would have to increase and the number of jobs that would create?

      Would UKIP ever consider bringing back some form of National Service?

    • #11825
      Itchi Skrøtum

      I note with approval your proposals for parliamentary reform. Do you also intend to reform the honours system, which I believe has become a laughing stock? There are way too many overtly political awards for undeserving cronies, civil servants and celebrity luvvies.

    • #11826
      Bar Steward

      UKIP isn’t going to form the next Government – but it could affect the overall result.

      What is your target for UKIP votes in the local elections that you believe will strike fear into the MPs of marginal seats of both Conservative and Labour ?

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Bar Steward.
    • #11828
      Itchi Skrøtum

      Do you think it is acceptable for real men to eat quiche?

    • #11829

      Dear Mr Batten,
      Has UKIP a plan to cut taxes if the party forms a government?

      Will a VAT rate cut be considered as at its current rate it may be suppressing economic activity in the UK. The multiplier effect of VAT on top of fuel duty tax is particularly crippling.

      It is possible that a VAT rate cut may counter intuitively generate more income to the government through higher growth from extra economic activity.

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Exmil-UK.
    • #11831

      Dear Mr Batten,

      Has UKIP taken advice on LFTR Nuclear reactors? [Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor]

      This technology is totally different to ALL the current nuclear technology in the UK. It is a similar leap to that made from piston engines to Jet Turbines, which causes difficulties in the UK because the current nuclear engineers here have zero experience of molten salt reactors.

      Best available tech information:


      Oak Ridge National Labs Historical film (20 mins) on youtube:

    • #11832
      Gordon Brown PM

      “American style litigation is out of control, … UKIP would adopt the ‘no automatic lump sum’ compensation policy and only pay for criminal negligence, similar to the Australian system. Where applicable, support payments should be paid monthly.

      SHould the “reward” for being injured by NHS be the same as injury by accident if the NHS has treated “in good faith”?
      Trusts fined the full amount but huge payouts to NHS pool rather than individuals (also lawyers to get only cut from individual payout?

      • #11833
        Going Postal

        You’ll have to clarify the second part for me.

        • #11836
          Gordon Brown PM

          hit reply but not sure if it works.
          I mean if you trip over your feet and break your neck, you don’t get compo (but the NHS and social serivces will care for you to the extent the nation can afford), but if you establish blame you can get millions.
          Can use of NHS be on proviso that it is not at fault if treatment done in good faith. “Punishnment” for carelessness be aimed at individuals reponsible (and their limited means) rather than lawyers feeding from the huge mound of “other people’s money”

    • #11834
      Gordon Brown PM

      “UKIP will stop child benefit being paid for non-UK resident children of foreign citizens.”

      How about CB for foreign nationals only for parents who pay income tax?

      Also, no automatic British Citizenship for anyone unless based on X years of residence with income tax tax payments.

      Foreign spouses of British nationals allowed to work, but not automatic qualification of UK Citizenship?

    • #11835

      Dear Mr. Batten,

      Will a UKIP government, economy allowing, consider reforming 1, 2 or 3 of the infantry regiments disbanded by previous governments?

      If one historical regiment from England, Wales and Scotland was reformed that would send an unmistakable message of national unity and defensive strength.

    • #11837
      Gordon Brown PM

      1. What proportion of potential candidates are unable (or unwise) to stand for election because of some earlier “shitposting” on social media?

      Does it have the potential for blackmail in the same way that used to be the case for homosexuality?

      Surely most people who have an opinion rather than born into families of power who anticipate their future are ever more likely to have stuff that can be used against them.

      Is Carl’s unashamed refusal to be cowed the only way to combat this.

      (I would have loved Tommy to stand and be in EU parliament. The Brexit Party is always there to pick up the votes of leavers who believe the MSM)

    • #11838

      Hi Mr Batten,

      I applaud your policy of removing the BBC telly tax and replacing the service with a voluntary subscription. Long overdue.

      However in your policy, you say, “The BBC World Service could be retained under Government control”

      As the company’s commercial arm, the BBC World Service Ltd has now merged with their newly created commercial arm, BBC Studios Ltd, would it be better if governments have no say whatsoever?

      If people sense the government are back to their old propaganda tricks with the BBC, they’ll simply stop their subscription, like they do with other subscription services. Let the BBC live or die on their subscriptions and remove government control from all media.

    • #11839
      alexsandr too

      If you end up on some silly TV program, do you have a strategy for stupid questions like ‘boxers or briefs’ or ‘what is your favourite biscuit’?

    • #11840
      Uri Spoonbender

      Independence Day – March 29th – I listened to Jacob Rees Mogg on his usual Friday evening LBC programme.

      He prefaced the broadcast with this bombshell: “(No deal) … it was taken away from us by Theresa May, and the other member states”

      As Member of the European Parliament, would you please explain how the other member states had denied us leaving with no deal on, or before, 29th March.

      Uri Spoonbender

      (Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRkvlSlr00g&feature=youtu.be&t=43)

      P.S. Please note that your presence, and UKIP’s, is what this country needs. Great work is underway, especially media bite-back. Well done. Let’s beat 3.8m/12.6% @ next GE!!!

    • #11841
      Uri Spoonbender

      UKIP’s policy for constitutional/Political Reform has possibly arisen from the success of the first-past-the-post system in ‘keeping down the young pretenders’: I don’t know.

      That same system has perhaps allowed our nation to achieve its levels of greatness – dare I say, by being strong and stable. It also contrasts with many governments of our European neighbours.

      Personally, and until I’m persuaded otherwise, I’d very much like to see a UKIP that dominates (popularity-wise) the two party/FPTP system. And by two parties, I refer to the nascent ‘Populist/Nationalist’ vs ‘Globalist/borderless/for-the-few-not-the-many free-for-all’ dichotomy, which may well be replacing the old socialist/capitalist divide.

      Beyond that, reform of the Lords and postal voting as manifesto offers – yes please.

      Otherwise, UKIP Manifesto Sept 2018 is an accomplished, deliverable offering. Congratulations.

      Uri Spoonbender

      P.S. Please note that your presence, and UKIP’s, is what this country needs. Great work is underway, especially media bite-back. Well done. Let’s beat 3.8m/12.6% @ next GE!!!

    • #11842

      Why are you only contesting 17% of the seats available in the local elections?

    • #11843

      I’m in Berlin at the moment. Is the EU funding all the vast building works going on in the city ?
      Do you support a football club ?

    • #11846

      Hello Mr. Batten,

      Given the highly lucrative, mainly military equipment, UK exports to the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, what measures would you like to see implemented to reduce the “political” influence that country holds over our present weak government?


      b-bob deluxov

    • #11847
      Gordon Brown PM

      What’s up with the rumour of Tommy standing in North West?

    • #11848

      Given the determination of politicians and MSM to refuse to differentiate between Islam, the ideology; and Muslims, the people; is it not time to start using the terms Islamism and Islamist?

      I understand that this appears to go soft on the cult, but the vast majority of people know exactly what is being referred to, and yet this minor toning down of language could go a long way to defend against the slur that by condemning the ideology of Islam one is automatically condemning the entire group of people who call themselves Muslim.

      Good luck, whatever you decide, your efforts are much appreciated.

    • #11849
      Fircombe Hall

      Mr Batten, Are you supporting the Court Case being brought by Robin Tilbrook of the English Democrats – Namely, that the UK legally left the EU on 29/03/2019?
      Thank You.

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Fircombe Hall.
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